Capacity Building Programme for Teacher Educators on Education for Sustainable Development

Sustainability Starts with Teachers’ is a regional programme that falls within UNESCO’s ‘Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs’ or ‘ESD for 2030’ programme. It aims to support capacity building for southern African teacher educators in Early Childhood Education, Primary and Secondary Education, and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), to respond to regional sustainable development concerns and opportunities, the Africa 2063 Agenda, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this programme, you and your teacher education/TVET institution (TEI) will be supported to work on developing an Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Change Project that will model best practice for ESD in your country, in the SADC region, on the African continent, and internationally. 

Teacher and TVET educators need to use the professional learning on this course to improve the education of teachers and TVET instructors. In turn, this will support teachers and TVET instructors to integrate ESD into their teaching practice. The programme seeks to support educational engagement with ‘The Africa we Want’ by re-thinking what quality education and training is.



Course Statistics:


  Enrolled  SST Second Graduation  SST Third Graduation  TOTAL COMPLETED  Total % Completion 
Lesotho  23  4  8 12  52% 
South Africa  31  7  0 7  23% 
Zambia  89  30  5 35  39% 
Eswatini  105  34  18 52  50% 
Malawi  46  18  17 35  76% 
Tanzania  41  8  26 34  83% 
Angola  87  0  28 28  32% 
Mozambique Final Enrollment with 32 additional enrollemnts  125  0  89 89  71% 
  547  101  191  292  53%